We Nanny Heart

We are a 24 hours professional babysitting agency.
Founded in 2016, formed by students & graduates of careers related to education.
Our goal is to offer professional services in order to provide a better quality of life for your children.
Our service focuses on the placement of babysitters at home; per hour, seasonal or permanent.
We are professional nannies with the highest human quality, throughout our career we have achieved multiple experiences in children from newborns to 8 years or more.
At Nanny Heart we perform a loving, orderly and safe service, both in the infant and in the environment that surrounds him.
Nanny Heart is a different concept for you to hire multifunctional nannies, who you can trust and have peace of mind once you leave your children with us. Where each nanny performs a minimum service of 6 hours.

Get to know the profile of each of our nannies, by clicking on the images.

 Our team in Puerto Vallarta

 Mariela - Psychologist Nanny Sofia - Bilingual Nanny Miss Lili - Educator Nanny Heart Sarahi Nurse Assistant - Nanny Heart Miss Alondra - Educator - Nanny Heart Nanny Liliana - Nanny Psychologist - Nanny Heart

Our team in Quintana Roo

Elsa Castellón - Foundress Nanny Blanca - Educational Assistant - Nanny Heart Playa del Carmen Nanny Ingrid Alvarez - Nanny Bilingual Quintana Roo Nanny Gabriela - Educational Assistant - Nanny Heart Miss Yerania - Educator Nanny Gloria - Nanny Heart Agustina Palacios - Nurse Assistant - Nanny Heart


Our philosophy

Educate, through play, where each child is free to express their emotions from love and respect, promoting her skills.


To ensure that families feel really satisfied with the professional service we provide them, that they know and understand why we are high-profile babysitters, and that the most important thing is to do teamwork with parents, so that infants reach the age adult in a full way and with total values.

Contribute professionally to the care of children, promoting their education, values ​​and self-esteem.


To position ourselves as a Leading company in different cities of the country, where our legacy is to create positive changes in early childhood education by working together and empathically with families, generating great ties of friendship, trust and security.


Professionalism: We demonstrate it every day with punctuality, dedication and focusing on the needs of the child.

Responsibility: We effectively comply with obligations and indications by both parties, agency-family.

Patience: It is a virtue that characterizes us when interacting with children and families, understanding that there are good and bad days.

Love: It helps us to act from the good through the respect and freedom that each person possesses.

Work with us

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"Nanny Heart - The plus of mom your child needs"

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