Actividad Física Infancia - Nanny Heart

You like to see your child chubby and not in the mood to move, or do you prefer to see your restless child with a face full of happiness?

Physical inactivity has been identified as a major risk factor for global mortality and a contributing factor to increased overweight and obesity. Early childhood is a period of rapid physical and cognitive development and a time during which a child's habits are formed and family life habits are open to changes and adaptations.

To comply with the daily recommendations for physical activity time, particularly in children, the general activity pattern in a 24-hour period should be considered, since the day is made up of sleep time, sedentary time and physical activity, not pressure children to move, remember the words convince but the example sweeps.

Sleep is essential for total development in a human being, especially in young children, being a common concern among parents, who seek guidance on this issue from health professionals.

Mom, Dad, don't forget that body movement with a goal is also associated with better motor and cognitive development.

What level of physical activity is recommended?

WHO guidelines and recommendations provide detailed information for different age groups and specific population groups on the level of physical activity necessary for good health.

OMS recommends:

For children under 5 years old

In 24 hours in a day, infants (less than 1 year old):

  • They should be physically active several times a day in various ways, especially through interactive games on the floor; the more the merrier. For those not yet walking, this includes at least 30 minutes in the prone position (tummy time) spread throughout the day while awake;
  • They should not be held for more than one hour at a time (eg in strollers / baby seats, or strapped to the back of a caregiver);
  • Spending time in front of a screen is not recommended;
  • Participate in reading and storytelling with a caregiver when they are sedentary;
  • They should have 14 to 17 hours (infants 0 to 3 months of age) or 12 to 16 hours (infants 4 to 11 months of age) of restful sleep, including naps.

In 24 hours a day, children 1 to 2 years old:

  • They should do different types of physical activities of varying intensity for at least 180 minutes, including moderate to vigorous physical activities spread throughout the day; the more the merrier;
  • They should not be held for more than an hour at a time, nor should they be seated for long periods of time;
  • Follow the recommendation that 1-year-olds do not spend time in front of the screen in a sedentary attitude (such as watching television or videos, or playing video games);
  • Do not spend more than an hour in a sedentary attitude in front of a screen (2-year-old children); the less the better;
  • Participate in reading and storytelling with a caregiver when they are sedentary; and
  • They should get 11 to 14 hours of restful sleep, including naps, with regular sleep and wake times.

In 24 hours a day, children ages 3 to 4:

  • They should engage in different types of physical activities of varying intensity for at least 180 minutes, of which at least 60 minutes will be devoted to moderate to intense physical activities spread throughout the day.
  • They should participate in reading and storytelling with a caregiver when they are sedentary; and
  • They should get 10 to 13 hours of restful sleep, which may include a nap, with regular sleep and wake times.

Children and adolescents from 5 to 17 years:

  • They should spend at least an average of 60 minutes a day in moderate to intense physical activities, mainly aerobic, throughout the week;
  • They should incorporate vigorous aerobic activities, as well as those that strengthen muscles and bones, at least three days a week;
  • They should limit the time spent in sedentary activities, particularly the leisure time spent in front of a screen.

 From my point of view as a future nurse and health professional, I always like to foster within my environment: family, friends, acquaintances and especially, the little ones whom I have the opportunity to take care of within the Nanny Heart services; the importance of daily physical activity, doing it with an interactive approach and approach, showing an early interest in the little ones and that they themselves acquire healthy lifestyles within their daily lives. Children need to be physically active on a daily basis, mainly to promote physical, emotional and mental growth and development.To achieve this, it is important that parents are interested and involved in the education of this healthy lifestyle that we want to transmit to children. children, remembering that family work is a '' key point '' to create a solid support network and there is a significant change within the child's environment.

Within our childcare services, we care about the health and development of your little one, that is why every day we prepare ourselves to offer a quality service: always taking a human and professional approach by the hand.

"Nanny Heart - The plus of mom your child needs"

Texts: Itzel Buenrostro - Nanny Nurse

Reference bibliography

Word Health Organization. (2019). Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary, behavior and sleep for children under 5 year of age.

 As always, we are here to help you with your children to take care of them, give them love and make them very happy.

Share this information to achieve together a very happy life in children's childhood.

A hug, the Nanny Heart team.


"Nanny Heart - The plus of mom your child needs"

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