We will emphasize that this text is not fighting with doctors or medicines, on the contrary, it tries to join, so that we first act naturally and then do what is appropriate, just like the birth itself.
This year 2023, I am no longer just a babysitter, but a new mom, and like many mothers, we will no longer say, worried, but busy, we have learned and studied more on the subject:
How to solve certain health problems that a baby presents, without affecting other areas...
When I say that we have studied a lot on the subject, in my personal case it is because I had great teachers, and with the support of some well-founded studies seen on the Internet, I undertook the task of comparing them...
It is worth mentioning the contributions of my grandmother and my mother, ranch women, with a long history in the use of plants and everything that one can easily have at home; If you live on a ranch feel lucky, there you find the best doctors, our mothers; being one with mother earth.
So I am also a mother and I would like my daughter not to have to absorb medicines that help heal one part and damage another, but we must be realistic; Someday our children will have to take a pill or a product that is not 100% natural, and there is no more, to prepare, so that it is as late as possible or the last outing.
I share with you the following with great affection:
I lived 17 years on a ranch, at that time, I had an apprenticeship that sometimes made me laugh, because I couldn't believe that biting a few mint leaves would take away my hiccups or stomach ache... Nor did I really believe in ginger with cinnamon and onion, to treat coughs or flu, I learned this from my grandmother, as well as the use of burnt tomatoes to cure sore throats.
But, of course… you have to mention:
-I can't make my baby bite a few leaves at birth or after a few months!
-But, if you can make him smell it…
Today, thanks to science, we can discard certain myths or customs from before with medicinal plants, but also accept and value some recipes that are scientifically effective.
Please, do not forget that each child is different, that everything in excess is bad, that we should not leave our little ones unsupervised at any time, even less if they are sick or if we are experiencing something new in them.
Babies are always the ones who guide us, they tell us how to treat them, we say that they do not communicate verbally but they do; crying is her way of speaking to us, through her emotions and her skin.
If you are a first-time mom or dad, your great teacher is your child, there is no manual that says how to do the best for your little one.
You have your son in your hands!
I will make a list of the things that worked for me personally with my daughter, and others that I have not had to practice, but I know of other dear mommies, who have had good results.
Remember that it must be a new onion, not used, the more it smells, the better.
In Hong Kong, garlic is commonly used to treat skin infections or boils, helping tissues to regenerate. In addition to the fact that from 6 months of age, the little ones can already eat certain portions.
You can also do the same with orange leaves, if it is in your power, to be able to tell the tree to allow you its healing leaves. Talking to your child who surely doesn't understand you is as important as talking to the tree to help us heal. Ask permission, for your leaves to cut.
You've probably also heard of the evil eye; It happened to me when I was a child, when I was 6 years old, and I remember that with a few drops of breast milk that they put directly into my eye, it healed as if by magic. That breast milk was from a neighbor; Let's always give thanks, to the mothers who give milk, for this beautiful gift to humanity.
After many studies, it has been proven that this plant is very good for the skin of babies. Let's keep in mind that aloe vera will not only help to regenerate the skin when a wound occurs thanks to its healing properties, but it also offers other benefits to the skin of the little ones; The plant helps the baby's hygiene to be adequate and above all it helps calm or alleviate skin irregularities. Remembering that skin irregularities are usually very common in babies a few months old.
Many pediatricians are the ones who recommend this plant for atopic dermatitis. This that comes next, we must be very clear:
Aloe vera in its raw, unprepared form is generally considered safe when applied topically, according to Kids First Pediatrics. However, they strongly advise against giving it to your baby orally or as a supplement. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the fresh preparation should be harvested using clean leaves that are peeled back to reveal a "fillet" of gel that can then be applied topically.
The uses of aloe vera are multiple. According to the WHO, it is commonly used in the treatment of burns, inflamed skin, rashes, and as a general moisturizer.
Pediatric home care nurse Elizabeth Cole, of New York, notes that to safely put aloe vera on a baby's skin: "As long as they're not allergic to it, it should be fine, but the plant could have many pesticides or dirt, so make sure it's really clean."
What a great wonder, I am loving the chamomile!
If the baby's dry skin persists despite home remedies, and it has nothing to do with external factors, the environment or temperature changes, it is necessary to see a pediatrician. Let's not let time take over us, let's act.
And so the next question should be of great value to this blog.
From what age can children take plants?
The pediatric population can be divided into different subgroups:
Less than 36 weeks are considered premature
More than 36 weeks, they are full-term newborns
From zero to one month, they are neonates
From one month to 24 months, they are lactating
From 2 to 6 years old, they are early childhood children
From 7 to 12 years old, they are second childhood children
From 12 to 18 years old, they are teenagers
Premature infants, newborns, and neonates should never take medicinal plant remedies or administer any type of medication, as they are very vulnerable to the effects of any medication or plant and may present complications.
To finish this text, we will once again emphasize that we are not against any doctor, it was a short list of many plants that can help us in difficult times when perhaps there is no doctor, do not forget that the health of our people is in our hands. our children, we are doing very well, with all the precautions.
Thank you for reading
Text by: Elsa Castellón
Images: pxhere.com & pixabay.com
Within our babysitting services, we care about the health and development of your little one, which is why every day we prepare to offer a quality service: always taking a humane and professional approach hand in hand.
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