Energy in children

Many times we wake up tired without being tired, or happy for no reason, or sad for no reason, and it is precisely because everything counts and counts for a lot.

From what others say about me, what I listen to, what I eat and even what doesn't exist. I remember a very interesting phrase from a pedagogue who comments:

"It is tiring to eat the world to pieces every day". Children also get stressed, suffer, and do not know how to control emotions, which is why they need time outside, not going to class one day, taking too many naps, eating too many ice cream. We share some activities that you can do with the children, to release the accumulated energies.

Some activities to release energy in children from 3 to 5 years

-Go to the square to run and play

-Sports activities such as biking, swimming, jumping on the trampoline.

-If you cannot take him to the square, you do not have a garden or it is cold, leave a room where he can play, explore, move or jump that is safe and where he is allowed. If you can't, offer quiet but entertaining activities for him, such as painting, playing with plasticine, cooking with dough, among others.

-If the child is overexcited and it is time to go to sleep, sit with him in a rocking chair to listen to his favorite songs (hopefully quiet) or give him a bath to relax.

-Choose toys that stimulate his creativity and imagination. Toys that are highly arousing, such as those involving weapons or fighting, are not recommended.

-Organize small routines: life activities must begin, continue and end. Teach him to finish an activity or game before starting something else.

Texts: Elsa Castellón - Lic. en comunicación

As always, we are here to help you with your children to release energy, take care of them, give them love and make them very happy.

Share this information to achieve together a very happy life in children's childhood.

A hug, the Nanny Heart team.


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