Hello! My name is Denise
I'm 21 years old, I'm bilingual, a student of a bachelor’s in Education
and I'm part of Nanny Heart…
Sharing with kids is my passion, is a natural talent mixed with lots of preparation, and every day I love to learn more from them. I´ve been working with kids since I was 15 years old and recently I had the experience to spend 2 years in the US as an Au pair where more than just providing childcare to babies and kids from newborns to 10 years old I used my free time to learn and practice different methods like positive reinforcement, how to handle tantrums, nutrition and how to work with picky eaters, development of the baby, the achievement of milestones, psychomotor activities, and a lot more.
The families I’ve worked for have described me as a “saint” “A natural with kids” “Patience to the skies” “Assertive” “Responsible” “Always smiling” “Lovely” “Creative” and “hardworking”.
My favorite stages are babies and toddlers since I worked at a daycare with these ages. I love to see them grow, explore their independence, set limits healthily, and give them all the love and attention they need. I know I lot of people know it best as the “terrible twos” but if I could only choose one age or stage, this is my favorite.
For me, kids need more than a simple “no”, little kids like to be in the know, they want to know what you’re doing and what's next, they get scared easily and that's when the tantrums come. Redirect is something that comes naturally with empathizing. Ï know you’re sad because we have to leave the park but it's time for lunch, would you like to go jumping or running?”. This is when everything gets better. 🥰
In my free time I like to study, read and hang out with friends and family; for me, socializing is the best way to feel better even tho sometimes I like having my own space.
Trying new food and travel is also something that moves me including cooking! My mom is a baker and from her, I’ve learned tons of recipes, when I was living in the US making Mexican meals and pastries with the kids was always fun and satisfactory, I hope to share moments like this with your kids!
Please remember that:
“Just like us, children have bad days. Days when they’re tired, not feeling well, lose their temper or are emotional for no reason. This doesn’t make them bad, this makes them human”. -Sarah Boyd
“One day, your child will make a mistake or a bad choice and run to you instead of away from you. And at that moment, you will know the immense value of peaceful, positive, respectful parenting”. ― L. R. Nudo
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think”. – Margaret Mead.
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