Decoración y Candy Bar - Nanny Heart


    Background Options: Theme Image Canvas, Middle Image Fabrics, or Green Foliage with Theme Image.
    Up to 3 colors to choose from balloons.
    Tables or cylinders.
    Name and age on vinyl of the birthday girl or birthday boy.
    Flowers vases
    Bases for sandwiches.

Cost: $ 2,700.-

CANDY BAR FOR 30 PEOPLE - With the right to 3 pcs. per person.


    10 caramel apples
    10 Cottons candy.
    10 Bags of potato chips.
    15 Bags of duritos.
    10 Donuts.
    15 Duvalines.
    2 kg of spicy peanuts in bulk in a glass.
    1 Valentina sauce.
    Bags for guests to have peanuts.


    1 OPTION TO CHOOSE: Canvas with image of the theme, Curtains with 1 image of the theme in the middle or green foliage with an image in the middle of the theme.
    Tables or cylinders.
    Flower vases
    Half balloon arch with 3 colors of balloons to choose from.
    Name and age on vinyl of the birthday girl or birthday boy.

Total: $ 3,700.-

CANDY BAR FOR 50 PEOPLE - With the right to 3 pcs. per person.


    10 Stuffed sweet empanadas.
    10 Caramel apples
    10 Cottons candy.
    10 Bags of potato chips.
    15 Bags of duritos.
    10 Donuts.
    15 Duvalines.
    10 Mazapanes.
    10 Mini pelones.
    10 Boxes of gummies.
    2 kg of spicy peanuts in bulk in a glass.
    1 kg of gummies of worms in bulk in a glass.
    1 Valentina sauce.
    Bags for guests to have peanuts and gummies.


    1 BACKGROUND OPTION TO CHOOSE: Canvas with image of the theme, Curtains with 1 image of the theme in the middle or green foliage with an image in the middle of the theme.
    Tables or cylinders.
    Flowers vases
    Half balloon arch with 3 colors of balloons to choose from.
    NName and age on vinyl of the birthday girl or birthday boy.

Total: $ 4,550.-

CANDY BAR FOR 50 PEOPLE (Premium) - With the right to 3 pcs per person.


    15 Mini pays.
    15 Mini cakes.
    15 Stuffed sweet empanadas.
    10 Decorated donuts.
    10 Caramel apples
    10 Cottons candys.
    10 Bags of potato chips.
    10 Bags of duritos.
    15 Fruit cups.
    10 Boxes of gummies.
    10 Boxes of spicy peanuts.
    20 Tamarind sticks.
    1 Valentina sauce.
    Chilli powder.
    All decorated to the theme.


    1 BACKGROUND OPTION TO CHOOSE: Canvas with image of the theme, Curtains with 1 image of the theme in the middle or green foliage with an image in the middle of the theme.
    Tables, cylinders or a combination of both pieces of furniture.
    Flowers vases
    Half balloon arch with 3 colors of balloons to choose from.
    Name and age on vinyl of the birthday girl or birthday boy.

Total: $ 6,850.-

Extra 2 Nanas: For 4 hours $ 3,500.-

Support of the Nanas in:

    General childcare (not personalized).
    * Does not include transportation of the Nanas.

Reserve 50% in advance, minimum 15 days before the event.

Are you interested in hiring Decoration and Candy Bar? Fill in the form or contact us at WhatsApp Nanny Heart.

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