Educating with Love - Nanny Heart

Are you developing the right skills in your children?

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Anger in children - Nanny Heart

How do I deal with my child's emotions and mine?

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To another child, who has a story - Nanny Heart

Count them all first because if you don't count how many stories you tell, you'll never know how many stories you (once) told.

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Imaginary Friend - Nanny Heart

Imaginary friends do not appear of our own free will. They invite us. And we stay as long as they need us. And it is only at that moment that we leave. "Crenshaw, the invisible cat" (2015), Katherine Applegate.

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Music moves fetuses - Nanny Heart

Imagine that you are pregnant and in that period you learn to play the flute or any other instrument, and you enjoy it so much that even your baby begins to move.

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